Painting creates a skin of light that renders the unseen seen.
Sara Divya
For over 40 years Sara has delighted in the magical slight of hand that we call Art. Painting is a process of sensing, feeling and thinking that transforms the invisible to the visible. Waves of energy form a spectrum of light that is perceived as color. With a oil paint, a pencil and wax the the artist reveals her inner landscape in form. Texture, archetypal symbols, geometry and beloved fellow inhabitants of Earth meander through her corpus. Collected, found imagery from books ranging from a 1950's book on how to plant roses to a 15th century Materia Medica contain a beloved and repeated vocabulary. Sara ponders the seemingly unanswerable questions such as, " Why are we here?", What is Our Purpose?, and "How can we live with kindness in balance with Earth and her inhabitants?" She has no answers, but she creates pictures that hint at an iconography of the ineffable.
BA in Fine Arts Middlebury College 1986 MFA University of Arizona 1993